We are Central and Southern Illinois'
Blood Care leader
If your doctor tells you that there are concerns with your blood, please ask him/her to send you the Prairie Bleeding and Clotting Center. We are specialists in all things related to the blood.
A solid team devoted to blood related problems

We can help you
Are you ready for a consultation?

Bleeding Disorders

Bleeding problems can be very scary for the person who has them. These disorders require a deep understanding of the problem as well as an understanding of how the problem affects the problem medically, socially as well as emotionally.
Platelet Disorders

Platelet disorders are often a concern. Platelets levels can be either too low or too high. Sometimes platelet are neither low nor high; they just do not work as they are supposed to work. All of these concerns are important. We at Prairie Bleeding and Clotting are very comfortable taking care of these issues.
Anemia and Red Cell Disorders

Many people are told that they are anemic. This is especially of concern in women of child-bearing age because of possible heavy menstrual bleeding. We will make sure to evaluate any possible anemia and its possible causes.
White Blood Cell Disorders

White blood cells in the blood are an especially tricky concern. The white cells may be too high or too low. Alternatively, the white cells may be not working as they are supposed to work. We are comfortable with all of these issues.
Clotting Disorders

It is unfortunately common for someone to suddenly find that they have a “Charley Horse” in their leg only to discover that it is actually a blood clot in their leg. We study the why? how? and what do we do about it now? of all blood clots.
Our team is our great strength
Compassionate Providers
Osvaldo Wesly, MD

H Nicole Hangartner, NP

Kathy Neitzel

Debbie Costales

Mia Holman

Carolina Guzman